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Class 5 trip
On Thursday 15th July Year 6 had a wonderful time gaining confidence and team building skills at the Green Spider Climbing centre in...

Bellboating Trip
On Tuesday 8th June, Year 4, 5 and 6 went bellboating on the River Severn. We set off from Upton Marina and paddled upstream towards...

Red Nose Day!
There was certainly some crazy hair in school today as everyone got in the spirit of fun for Red Nose Day! A big thank you for everyone’s...

Class 5 Corridor Display
Dr.Seuss's hugely popular story ‘Oh, the Places You’ll Go’ has an inspiring message about the importance of seizing new opportunities,...

Year 6 Remember
Thank you to the Year 6 children for leading a short but poignant service at the village memorial on Monday morning. They were joined by...

Class 5 Collective Worship
On Wednesday, Class 5 led us in a very moving assembly on ‘Freedom’, our value of the month. Through mime and their own writing, they...

Diocese Conference
On Wednesday morning, our 4 Worship Leaders from Year 6 went to Hereford Cathedral to take part in the Diocese of Hereford Education...

'Macbeth' at Hellens Manor
On Wednesday, Year 6 went to Hellens Manor for a fantastic performance of ‘Macbeth’ by the Young Shakespeare Company! We were completely...

Ambassadors for Cradley School
This year we have added to our ambassador roles giving all our Year 6 children an important and influential role. This gives our children...

The X Factory
Year 6 put on a fantastic show for us this week. Our super-talented pupils acted, sang and danced us through the plight of the staff and...

Aztec Water Park
Year 6 had a fabulous time yesterday at Aztec Water Park. Kitted out in wetsuits, they had great fun on the lake on paddle boards, in...

On Wednesday, Key Stage 2 went to Malvern Priory to learn all about the history of this beautiful building from when it was first built...

Bell-boating Regatta
Yesterday, Classes 4 and 5 had a fantastic time in Tewkesbury taking part in the annual inter-school bell-boating regatta. The weather...

Bell-boating Day Out
On Tuesday, Classes 4 and 5 took to the River Avon for our annual day bell-boating. We set off towards the lock which was a fun...

Year 6 London Trip
Yesterday, Year 6 spent an exciting day in London. We left school very early at 6.45 and travelled by minibus to the British Museum in...

Letter from Sir David Attenborough
Class 5 were especially excited this week to receive a letter from Sir David Attenborough in reply to one sent by Will and Ollie...

Class 5 trip to Hellens Manor
On Friday 29th March Class 5 visited Hellens Manor in Much Marcle to watch the Young Shakespeare Company’s fantastic performance of...

KS2 Choir at Herefordshire Performing Arts Festival
Well done to all the choir pupils who took part in the competitive class at The Courtyard Theatre on Tuesday. We came joint 2nd with a...

Class 5 Collective Worship
On Wednesday, Class 5 delivered a really thought-provoking and informative assembly to the whole school and parents. In class they had...

Working on an exciting project
Year 6 have been working on an exciting project to coincide with the end of the 1914-18 Great War Centenary Commemoration. Working with...
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