On Wednesday morning, our 4 Worship Leaders from Year 6 went to Hereford Cathedral to take part in the Diocese of Hereford Education Conference. The conference began with a short service, followed by an address by the Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby.
He spoke about how vitally important it is to live by our Christian values, so that everyone is able to flourish and live life in all its fullness. When asked by one pupil what his favourite value was, he said it was ‘Love’ – a self-giving love which doesn’t expect anything in return. He said that this sort of love will change the world.
Afterwards, we went to a ‘Building Bridges’ workshop. After a few ‘magic tricks’ to illustrate how much we can achieve by co-operating together, we were asked to build a bridge with pegs and lollipop sticks to show how much of what we do as a school community is linked to our village church.
We had to write as many ‘links’ as possible on the lolly sticks - we thought of 17! The bridge is on the table just inside the front door at school. We will be adding more sticks as we think of other ways to link up with our church.
