Welcome to Friends of Cradley School (FOCS).
FOCS is a team of volunteer parents who schedule, organise and publicise a timetable of fundraising activities and events for our families. Our Summer Fair is the most fun and challenging event the team organises each summer. There are also a number of other events FOCS has organised: apple juicing which became a school event, the Christmas Fayre, Santa visit for all the school pupils, wine tasting, spring walks, cake sales, tuck shops, ice-cream sales and the school children's disco are but a few! FOCS also supports the church and village venues and even holds its own stalls.
The money raised by FOCS is used to support all of the children who attend Cradley Primary School through funding the cost of:
Coach fees for trips (each class is given a yearly contribution)
iPads for pupil use
New equipment
FOCS members meet once a month, except in the run-up to an event when we may meet more frequently. Everyone with children at Cradley Primary School (and their extended family) is welcome.
Friends of Cradley School Constitution
Powers and limitations
AGM & Election of committee
General meeting
Alteration to constitution
The name of this association is Friends of Cradley School (FoCS).
Cradley Primary School,
WR13 5NG
FoCS is an association committed to raising funds for Cradley School for the benefit of all children attending the school and nursery.
FoCS is to work in cooperation with the school to create a welcoming environment for all FoCS members to engage with fund raising activities.
FoCS is primarily fundraising team. FoCS also facilitates and are encouraged to foster relationships between parents/carers, children and the school.
FoCS is not permitted to interfere with the administration or management of the school.
Membership of FoCS is open and encouraged for any parent, guardian, extended family members and teachers of children attending Cradley primary school. Membership of local residents is encouraged to help foster relationships within the community.
The committee shall consist of at least 3 members of FoCS in the bearer positions of: Chair
The committee will be elected at the AGM.
The members can elect a co-option for each of the bearer positions.
Each elected committee member will hold tenure for 1 year, and will stand down at the next AGM.
The FoCS AGM will be held each September.
The committee members will be elected each year.
Amendments can be made with a 2/3 in favour vote at the AGM or at a special general meeting.
Bank accounts shall be operated in the name of Friends of Cradley School.
FoCS can accept donations, subscriptions or otherwise raise funds to the extent that such activity should not include permanent trading.
Cheques shall be signed by two signatories.
The accounts shall be kept by the Treasurer and shall be audited by one auditor appointed at the Annual General Meeting.
Event expenses will be paid by mutual agreement between the treasurer and the payee.
For security reasons, the treasurer and one other committee member may regularly remove money from the high earning stalls at any event. The amount taken by the Treasurer will be noted down and left in the money box.
At any large event, only 2 or 3 persons (to include the treasurer or if the treasurer is not available, one other committee member) are permitted to be present and to count up the money at the conclusion of the event.
All monies to be collected from all stalls by committee members before the counting starts.
All monies from events to be banked as soon as is possible.
All expenditure, other than paying expenses for events should be agreed at a meeting with FoCS members.
FoCS may be dissolved by a resolution presented at a Special General Meeting called for this purpose.
The resolution must have the assent of two thirds of those present and voting.
Such resolution may give instructions for the disposal of any assets remaining after satisfying any outstanding debts and liabilities. These assets will be given to the school, or in the event of a school closure, to the school to which the majority of the children will go, or distributed between several schools to which Cradley children may go on to attend.
If effect cannot be given to this provision, then the assets may be given for some other charitable purpose with a vote from members.
Please contact the school administrator for further information.