At Cradley C of E Primary School, we believe that a school uniform is important, because it:
looks smart
wears well
contributes to a sense of belonging
gives a common purpose
fosters a feeling of pride
reduces ‘fashion competition’ between children
All children should wear the uniform and we encourage them to maintain an acceptable standard of clean and tidy dress in school. The uniform has been chosen after extensive consultation. It is readily available and inexpensive.
Parents should label all items of clothing clearly with their child’s name.
The school takes pride in its school community and to identify pupils with Cradley School they wear:
long or short grey trousers or a grey skirt
red polo shirts (plain or with Cradley logo)
red round-necked sweatshirt or cardigan (plain or with Cradley logo)
white, black or grey socks or tights
sensible black shoes - not boots or trainers​
Summer (Optional)
red-check dresses (available from high-street stores)
Closed-toed sandals (though not crocs)
PE and Games
All children are expected to change for PE and Games in the interest of hygiene. All children should have:
red t-shirt (plain or with Cradley logo)
black plimsolls (optional)
black shorts
Those who play football and rugby should have football boots, a red rugby shirt or a black track suit for team games. Track suits are recommended for Classes 3, 4 and 5 for the winter.
School Uniform Providers
The polo shirt, PE t-shirt and sweatshirt with the school logo are available for purchase from local providers:
Your Name On It – www.yournameonit.co.uk Tel: 01886 881081
Club Sport Ledbury – www.clubsport.co.uk Tel: 01531 635242