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'Macbeth' at Hellens Manor
On Wednesday, Year 6 went to Hellens Manor for a fantastic performance of ‘Macbeth’ by the Young Shakespeare Company! We were completely...

Harvest Festival
Thank to everyone who came to share in our Harvest celebration on Thursday. The children shared Harvest stories from the Bible through...

Apple Juicing Update
We are pleased to announce the winners of our apple juice label competition. It was a difficult job again this year and we were very...

Welcome Wednesday
Class 1 and Class 2 were full to bursting when parents and grandparents joined us for the first Welcome Wednesday. The children loved...

Apple Juicing
Yesterday the whole school got involved in juicing apples ready for our Apple Juice fundraising. We were overwhelmed by the number of...

Ambassadors for Cradley School
This year we have added to our ambassador roles giving all our Year 6 children an important and influential role. This gives our children...

Cradley Church Flower Festival
This weekend the Church will be full of floral displays created by village organisations. The children have filled decorated jars with...

Year 5/6 Residential to Conwy
Years 5 and 6 had a fantastic time in Conwy last week. We spent 3 days on residential in beautiful North Wales. We have spent some time...

Year 3/4 Residential to Ironbridge
What a super group of children to take to Coalbrookdale and Ironbridge in Shropshire. That, along with great weather, made the whole...

New Nursery Uniform
The new Nursery uniform will be available to purchase from September. For further information please contact Club Sport in Ledbury.

The X Factory
Year 6 put on a fantastic show for us this week. Our super-talented pupils acted, sang and danced us through the plight of the staff and...

Aztec Water Park
Year 6 had a fabulous time yesterday at Aztec Water Park. Kitted out in wetsuits, they had great fun on the lake on paddle boards, in...

Stanbrook Abbey Concert
On Sunday 7th July, the newly formed Cradley Summer Choir were invited to sing with Powick Parish Community Choir at Stanbrook Abbey....

Herefordshire School Games Tennis
On Wednesday 3rd July, Siân and Leila represented the school at the Herefordshire School Games at Hereford Leisure Centre. They played in...

School Games Mark
The School Games Mark is a government led awards scheme launched in 2012 to reward schools for their commitment to the development of...

Class 2 Trip to Clive's Fruit Farm
This week we visited Clive’s Fruit Farm near Upton upon Severn. Despite the heavy rain which was falling at the beginning of the day, we...

On Wednesday, Key Stage 2 went to Malvern Priory to learn all about the history of this beautiful building from when it was first built...

Bell-boating Regatta
Yesterday, Classes 4 and 5 had a fantastic time in Tewkesbury taking part in the annual inter-school bell-boating regatta. The weather...

Rounders Tournament
On Wednesday, 11 children from Years 5 and 6 went to a rounders tournament at JMHS. We were able to play against other teams in our...

KS1 Cheltenham Synagogue Trip
On Tuesday we went to Cheltenham to visit the Synagogue. We were shown lots of interesting features such as the Ark, the Bimah and the...
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