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Environmental Health Visit
Last week, we were visited by Environmental Health as part of their regular inspection of kitchen and food serving facilities. We are...

Gardening Club Trip to John Richard’s Nursery
Last Monday afternoon, Year 4 and 5 Gardening Club pupils went to Colwall to find out how the Nursery operates and to choose some plants...

Congratulations to the Cross Country team who did a fantastic job at the Trudge held at John Masefield on Wednesday. Everyone did their...

Class 4 Trip to Bishops Wood
On Thursday 14th March, Class 4 went to Bishops Wood Outdoor Education centre. We had a very hands-on day consolidating the learning...

Class 5 Collective Worship
On Wednesday, Class 5 delivered a really thought-provoking and informative assembly to the whole school and parents. In class they had...

Big Write Week
The children (and staff!) were astonished when they arrived at school on Monday morning to a playground awash with plastic: the contents...

World Book Day
On Thursday, we welcomed World Book Day with an assembly based on sharing stories. The costumes looked great and the staff joined in...

Girl's Football Tournament
On Thursday 14th February, seven Year 3/4 girls attended a football tournament at Ledbury Primary School. The girls had a great time...

Basic Skills Award Assessment
On Wednesday, we welcomed Michaela Reid in to conduct our Basic Skills Award audit. Basic skills focuses on our teaching of English and...

Net and Wall Games
On Thursday 28th February four children attended a net and wall extravaganza at JMHS. They were given the opportunity to play badminton...

RSPB Big Schools' Birdwatch
On 14th February we took part in the RSPB birdwatch. We had been putting out bird seed at Forest School and during cross country in the...

Malvern Spring Festival Schools’ Challenge
Year 6 were given the task of naming our show garden and we are excited to announce their choice of: ‘A Turtle Reaction: Capturing the...

Letter from DFE
We were delighted to receive a letter this week from the Department for Education. I enclose the full text for you: Dear Mr Greaves, We...

Class 1 Collective Worship
This week it was Class 1’s turn to lead Collective Worship on our Value of the Month – HOPE. We based it on the book Only One You by...

Archaeologist visits Class 4
On Tuesday, Class 4 were lucky enough to have a visit from an archaeologist, Mr Justin Hughes. Mr Hughes initially showed the class a...

Student Teachers
We have been lucky enough to have three students from Worcester University join us this term. Miss Filby is working with Class 1, Miss...

The Inn-spectors
Wow! What a show. The children from KS1 and Nursery certainly wowed us all with their fantastic performances of ‘The Inn-spectors’....

Class 3 Assembly
Class 3 have spent hours practising to show their parents and the rest of the school what they've learned about Anglo Saxons. Today they...

Apple Day
The whole school participated in collecting and pressing apples to make over 400 bottles of delicious apple juice. All children submitted...
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