On Tuesday we went to Cheltenham to visit the Synagogue. We were shown lots of interesting features such as the Ark, the Bimah and the Prayer Plaques. Mrs Silverstone told us a story all about an apple tree and everyone helped act it out with props and sound effects. Next we thought of something we were thankful for and some people shared their ideas with the group. We also looked at the Yad which is used for reading the Torah and one of the children tried on a Tallit (prayer shawl). All in all, it was a very interesting visit and we are very grateful to Mrs Silverstone for taking the time to speak to us. We had hoped to visit Pittville Park for a picnic and to play on the equipment but unfortunately we had to come straight back to school due to the cold, wet weather. Well done to the children who were all very attentive and enthusiastic during the visit.
