This week it was Class 1’s turn to lead Collective Worship on our Value of the Month – HOPE. We based it on the book Only One You by Linda Kranz, which sees Mama and Papa fish share their hopes and advice for Adri fish, who is ready to become independent in the big wide world and make it a better place… Everyone in the class took turns re-telling the story and talking about what HOPE means. As part of our assembly we spent time in class getting to know each other and celebrating all the unique things about our friends. We used our unique handprint to make fish and decorated them in our own unique style. We shared the story of God’s Special Promise to Noah and then made our own collage rainbow of Hope. We worked hard as a team to share what we had learned about Hope with our families and friends. Thank you to Mrs Paton for playing Shalom for us to sing and to Mali and Cleo who helped to light the candles for our prayer. We hope you enjoyed it!
Hope is a vision. It is a belief that a vision can lead you somewhere special. We need to have a vision. Once you choose Hope, anything is possible.
