We had an amazing day on Wednesday visiting China, Brazil and Belgium. We have learned to count in Mandarin, written Chinese symbols, made lanterns and found out about the Chinese Zodiac. In Belgium we made Speculoos (spiced gingerbread biscuits) and learned a French song. In Brazil we learned the significance of the colours of the Brazilian flag, made mosaic pictures using those colours, danced to a Portuguese song and tasted water melon, Tropicana juice and Brazilian caramel. Apart from the rich knowledge and experience gained from these activities, the children have demonstrated many of our Learning behaviours and Christian Values around working together and supporting one another. Thank you so much to Yinuha Evans, Kitty Hurley and volunteer Ge McCabe for sharing their time, resources, country and language with us.
On Thursday the children learned a traditional dance with Dance specialist Karina Garcia. Early Years learned a Mexican hat dance, Key stage one some Bollywood, Year 3/4 Flamenco and Year 5/6 a Peruvian sea dance. We
had an opportunity to perform our dance, wearing props we made at the beginning of the week, to the rest of the school and finished with a whole school dance using some of the moves we had learned.
On Friday morning we were treated to a Sea-legs Puppet Production. We heard the Russian story of Peter and the Wolf accompanied by the music of Prokoviev.
