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Baa Baa Bethlehem

And so began the weeks of rehearsals to stage Baa Baa Bethlehem and what a fantastic Nativity it was!

Well done to all the Year 2s who had lots to learn and who led the way in this re-telling of the Nativity. A fabulous effort from the Year 1s learning their lines with some great acting, as well as all the words for the songs. Brilliant work from Reception with remembering all those actions to go with the songs, which told the story of how those younger shepherds changed that pecking order after visiting baby Jesus in the stable in Bethlehem.

Special thanks as always to:

David Robertson – Lights

Mr C – Sound

Roman Iwanczuc – Filming

Dave Mackay – Photography

Neil Taylor - Scenery

All staff who supported with props, costumes, prompting and crowd control! And finally, to ALL the KS1 children for their team effort in the production. We are immensely proud of you all.


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